Page 28 - Junior Explorer 6. Podręcznik
P. 28

Teens’ Time: An amazing story
         2a             1    15   Listen and read. Who is the author of the diary and when did he/she write it?


                         This diary is very old. It was
                         Uncle Gordon’s grandad's. His
                        name was John Hammond and he
                                 was a doctor.

                                                                               Oh no! John was on the
                                                                               Titanic! It sank! What
                                                                                  happened to him?

                                                                  1st January, 1913
                                                                   I am starting my diary again. I didn’t write
           10th April, 1912                                        in it for eight months because I was on the
            Today we left Southampton on this beautiful ship.      Titanic. It sank that awful night in April.
            There were many people at the port to see us off.
                                                                    I was lucky and I got into a lifeboat and
            It was amazing. When we left the port, I looked
                                                                    I survived. But many people died.
             at my cabin and put my luggage in there. It is very
             nice and comfortable. Now I am on deck and looking
                                                                     many months. I was sad and shocked. But at
                                                                     Christmas I decided to stay in America. I had
              out to sea.                                           I didn’t know what to do with my life for
              12th April, 1912                                       a return ticket for England, but I didn’t use it.
               I met three other passengers yesterday and we          I want to become a doctor and save people’s
               became friends. We had dinner together and then
               we played cards all evening. Did I win? No, I didn’t!

                But it was fun.

                14th April, 1912
                 Something terrible happened! The ship hit
                 an iceberg 10 minutes ago. Now I am very scared ...

                                                              3  Name what you see in the pictures. Use the
                                                                  words in the box.

                                                                ship     port     cabin     iceberg     deck     lifeboat

                                                               a                b                c
          2  Put these events in the correct order. Write
             the answers in your notebook.
             a  Then, John got into a lifeboat.
             b  First, the ship left Southampton.
             c  Next, John went to his cabin.                  d                e                f
             d  Suddenly, the ship hit an iceberg.
             e  Finally, John decided to become a doctor.
             f  Then, John played cards with some friends.
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